Day 14 & 15 Is it over? Or is it just getting started?
Yesterday was too frantic to write in this journal. I woke up to an article from a friend that 5G broadband is really the culprit for all this because 5G is weakening people's immune system and that the Coronavirus is a bioweapon etc.. I don't even know what all it said as I write this the day after, but whatever it said it got me all riled up. Being riled up is not a necessarily bad thing. I'm grateful my friend sent me the article because it resounded as being true to me. The world I've lived in my entire 43 years of life has been an anomaly. Never in recorded history have people this extravagantly. Kings and queens may have lived lives of decadence, but not on the scale that the masses live these days. It's mostly because of petroleum that people can live this way and petroleum is a limited resource and therefore this life I've known will come to an end sometime. I don't necessarily wish for it to end, but it only m...